A Proven Path to Wholeness and Well-Being


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By joining this 8-part workshop, on A Proven Path to Wholeness and Well-Being with top Jewish psychologist Sarah Chana Radcliffe you will discover how to:

  • Release yourself from chronic irritability, agitation and fatigue and start living a happier, more balanced life.
  • Reframe your automatic stress response so rather than “losing it”, you have control over your emotional state and can turn negative experiences into positive opportunities.
  • Persevere through derailed plans, and handle pressure without losing patience, and become a more stable and pleasant spouse, parent and friend.
  • Empower yourself to take the time and energy needed to tend to your emotional and physical well-being so you will be strong enough to tend to others wholeheartedly.
  • Choose to have fun, love, grow and connect with the people around you and start living the balanced and peaceful life you deserve.

This series contains practical methods, class notes, and guided meditations.

Workshop schedule:

Session 1: Full Body Living
Energy, mood, and attitudes that shape our thoughts, emotions and bodily reactions. Learn how family life, household management, workplace experiences and lifestyle patterns trigger automatic stress responses and most importantly, learn how to shape your nervous system to attain healthier and happier results.

Session 2: Autonomic Shaping through Conscious Monitoring
Awaken your awareness of autonomic processes that are already working for you, to empower and strengthen them, while simultaneously interrupting automatic patterns of stress. Embark on the first steps to employ intentional intervention strategies to begin to shape cognitive, emotional and physical experiences.

Session 3: Interrupting Automatic Negative Circuits
Learn a protocol to identify, follow and remap neural circuits that lead to negative thoughts, feelings and physical stress.

Session 4: Stepping Up to the Plate
Create a personalized strategy for intentionally and quickly balancing your autonomic nervous system. Get unstuck from agitated or depleted states- find your way back to internal balance and harmony.

Session 5: Overcoming the Negativity Bias
Identifying, intensifying, and harnessing micro-moments of ventral vagal regulation to change daily experience of living.

Session 6: Emotional Regulation
Strategies to identify, address and redirect negative energies in the moment.

Session 7: Autonomic Well-being
Design your schedule, activities and environment to facilitate autonomic balance at home. Create a lifestyle that nurtures autonomic wellbeing.

Session 8: Q&A
Gain solutions to common questions through a Q&A and implementation session

Check out Sarah Chana’s introductory session on Wholeness and Well Being

About Sarah Chana Radcliffe: A registered member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario, Sarah Chana Radcliffe has been practicing marriage, parenting and individual counseling for over 40 years. Sarah Chana is a well sought after lecturer on stress management, relationships, anger management and emotional well-being. She is the author of Raise Your Kids without Raising Your Voice, The Fear Fix, Make Yourself at Home, and 5 other books on family life and emotional well-being.


This is the first forum/professional that is real and down to earth and knowledgeable enough to help us!!! You are the first professional that both me and my husband agree to listen to because you cover all the aspects!!!

“Through this, I have for the 1st time in my 40+ yrs been able to pause & think beyond my immediate emotion to the bigger picture. Truly life-transforming in a way I never thought I was capable of…”

“You can see that Sara Chana is at a point of expertise in her field where she just outpours knowledge and information. Her webinars are totally packed with such useful information and so well delivered! Thank you!!!!”

I’m really enjoying the classes and my home has become a much calmer place. I can control the raising of my voice, because I feel like I have a specific approach to follow and don’t get lost.

“I registered because liked her free introduction class, so I was expecting a good class, but it totally blew me away – it’s FANTASTIC! I started to apply her methods, and they truly do work!”

“I am really grateful that this is being offered.  I currently don’t have a mentor in my life and I feel that this is giving me the chance to get some mentoring (and more!) in the most important area of my life!”

See all Jewish Workshops on emotional well being