The Complete Marriage Transformation


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In this series you will discover a unique and refreshing method to transform your marriage.

In this 6-part series for married women, you will:

  • Begin an experiential journey like no other, uncovering the how’s and why’s of the unique role you play in your marriage
  • Gain the internal shift from being a victim of circumstance to taking the reigns towards a healthier, more joyful marriage
  • Create lasting change by diving straight to the core of your triggers and blockages thereby manifesting external change
  • Build internal peace by shifting to a place of genuine curiosity thereby freeing yourself from resentment, judgment or blame
  • Remove toxic patterns in your marriage by discovering how to alter your perspective and align yourself with the full picture

Class 1: Contrast to Clarity: What do I really Want?
Use powerful tools to access the authentic desires you have for your Marriage. Learn how to tap into the power of desire to create the marriage you have always dreamed of.

Class 2: My Emotions and Zone of Wellbeing
To create intimacy in your marriage you first need to take ownership of your emotions and wellbeing. These tools are the foundations of personal wellbeing and the ability to ride the waves of your emotions gracefully.

Class 3: Frog Farming and Releasing My Fears
Some women know the secrets to  turn frogs into princes, however most women turn princes into frogs. Trying to change men doesn’t usually work so it’s probably easier to change ourselves. Discover the secrets that can bring out the best in your man.

Class 4: Letting Go of Judgement and Resentment
Learn a tool that can turn our thoughts on their heads, allow us to release the judgement we are holding about our husbands and gain some valuable insight into ourselves.

Class 5: Embracing our Humanity 
To maintain intimacy in our marriages, we must be standing eye to eye with our husbands, not superior or inferior in value and worth.  This powerful tool brings us back to balance.

Class 6: Becoming a Vessel to Receive Goodness
We have all heard about men providing and women receiving.  What does this really mean? How do we tap into this fundamental dynamic in a deeper way that can create lasting change?

About Rivke Gardner: After 18 years of intensive study and training, Rivke has developed an approach that combines Torah and internal work to uncover the deepest layers of who we are and to actualize who we want to be as wives.

As her teachings gain momentum across America, she has also developed a system to train marriage mentors In order to avail more individuals to her uniquely tailored and personal approach.

Recognized by many of today’s Jewish leaders as a marriage mentor worth noticing, influencers, professionals and up-and-comers choose Rivke as their mentor when it comes to marriage guidance.

My husband and I found each other so irritating, annoying, disappointing…step by step, through working on and focusing on myself, not my husband, I was slowly able to change the pattern. It might take two to tango but it takes just one to alter a negative dynamic. My moves changed me, internally, and as a ripple effect, my marriage.

“Any married woman would benefit from taking this course matter how long she’s been married. Rivke helps empower and encourage women to make effective, lasting changes in our most important of relationships.

Rivke cuts down the complexity, presenting skills on the most simple level without all the fluff, and allows you to personally experience them. She gets straight to the point.

Amazing workshop! This one hour consolidated what took me a whole year of therapy to figure out.