Awaken to Elul


You will get immediate 24/6 online access to listen to and download each session, giving you everything you need to implement these powerful tools into your life quickly and easily.


In this 6-part series, you will:

  • The steps you can take to overcome complacency, distractions, and blockages and become your best self
  • The guidance you need you to enable growth and change during this year’s chaggim
  • How to utilize Elul to deepen your connection to G-d and feel proud of what you have accomplished during this important time
  • Become mindful of the weight and impact of the upcoming chaggim and the massive opportunity it presents to you
  • How to bring more blessing and light into your life in the upcoming year
  • Enter Rosh Hashana feeling charged and capable for everything that you can achieve

Session 1: Awaken and access your inner resources

Session 2: Awaken and access your inner resources

Session 3: Awaken forgiveness

Session 4: Awaken Teshuva

Session 5: Awaken Hashem’s Mercy

Session 6: Question and Answer Session

About Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: Internationally acclaimed speaker and educator, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller has been a full-time lecturer at Neve Yerushalayim College in Jerusalem since 1980, impacting the lives of thousands of women worldwide. She is also the author of six popular books, including Here You Are, Battle Plans, and This Way Up.

I am so grateful to Hashem for this class,  I look forward to it every week. I love that what we are taught also connects us as klal Yisroel each learning at different levels, connecting, struggling and learning and growing. The connecting is to our people, our land and practical applications to bring us closer to Hashem, be’ezrat Hashem. So much more, my list goes on and on.

This class gives me my connection, and what other place than from Eretz Yisroel and with Rebbetzin Heller.  I know I get mushy, but whatever I learnt in Eretz Yisroel was a powerhouse of inspiration, challenging yes, but as Rebbetzin Heller said, Hashem lets us see HIM a little through the curtain.

These webinars have literally been so impactful and touching – I’ve already felt myself push forward in addressing difficult middos in myself, my parents, and begin a road to acceptance, love, and iyH a healthy relationship with them ad meah vesrim. Rebbetzin Heller knows how to touch the soul, and has been able to help me better understand so many years of confusion and hurt and begin the process to healing and renewal.

Thank you as always so much for such chizuk and inspiration. B”H we should be able to put into practice what you give over and gain more clarity and vision and become better human beings. There are no words to express our appreciation for the truth, depth and clarity that you give us. B”H you have so much vision of people and their situations.