Derech Hashem – The Jewish Soul: Past, Present, and Future

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Through Part 3 of the Derech Hashem: The Jewish Soul: Past, Present, and Future, Rabbi Tatz will reveal:

  • Adam before and after the sin
  • The 6,000 years of history
  • The Messianic Era and the World to Come
  • Body and Soul
  • Resurrection
  • Attaining human perfection
  • And much more…
Class schedule:

Class 1: Explore where humans stand compared to animals and angels, if angels have free choice and our ability to connect to G-d, as creatures of this world.

Class 2: Why is the human a creature of conflict, why does the mind need intellect and imagination in order to create thought and how do these opposing forces help us repair the world?

Class 3: How can we unify the warring entities of body and soul and how is Shabbat the personification of this unity?

Class 4: The duality of mind/ body in this world and the experience in the next. What does it mean that everything in this world is form and material?

Class 5: What was the immense change that took place in the world with the sin of Adam and Eve and how do we see that personified in G-d’s name?

Class 6: Why was the serpent able to go beyond his task and rebel in the way that he did and how does this affect humans going forward?

Class 7: What deficiencies existed in the world before the sin and what is our role in bringing the world to a  place of perfection?

Class 8: What does death, destruction and reconstruction has to do with the Messianic era?

By Joining Now, You Will Get:

  • Access to 8 Weeks of classes via streaming or download
  • Easy online access to class recordings in your own personal membership area
  • Bonus 1: Direct Email Access

About Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz is a South African born physician, author and lecturer. He studied medicine in Johannesburg with elective work at Washington University in St Louis and graduated with distinction in surgery. He spent a number of years concurrently practicing medicine and engaging in Talmudic study in Israel. His Jerusalem Medical Ethics Forum teaches and promotes knowledge of Jewish medical ethics internationally. He has written a number of books on the subjects of Jewish philosophy and Jewish Medical Ethics: Anatomy of a Search, Living Inspired, Worldmask, The Thinking Jewish Teenager’s Guide to Life, Letters to a Buddhist Jew, Dangerous Disease & Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics, Will, Freedom & Destiny, and As Dawn Ends the Night. These are also available in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian and Portuguese translations. He currently teaches at the Jewish Learning Exchange in London and internationally, and delivers a weekly Webinar on Jewish Thought and Practice, hosted by Jewish Workshops.



Every week I look forward to learning more Judaica and enhancing my personal skills (in accordance with Torah teachings) with Rabbi Tatz’s shiurim.  He presents texts that I was completely unaware of at a deliberate pace accompanied with repetitions and examples for better understanding.”

“Rabbi Tatz’s TORAH is transparent, decentralized and immutable and if you don’t have some YOU BETTER ADD TATZ’s TORAH TO YOUR PORTFOLIO!!!!

“You have opened so very many gates to learning (“new ears” with each shiur!).

Rabbi Tatz’s shuirim somehow ‘zooms’ into personal dilemma’s which has given me the clarity/wisdom to make choices..”

The program is excellent. Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz holds the attention of the listener to the point that one sits at the edge of the seat in anticipation- waiting for the questions he poses and the subsequent answers. In two words : Awe Inspiring.”

I can get a basic shiur anywhere or learn basic things on my own. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the deeper depth approach Rabbi Tatz comes from. It’s just so enjoyable.

Show all Derech Hashem with Rabbi Tatz

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