Who Am I? An Exploration into Jewish Identity


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Through this 6-part series, Rabbi Aubrey Hersh explores:

  • The controversies that lead to the splintering off of many sects
  • The secrets of your ancestry
  • The domino effect of the actions and decisions of our past leaders
  • The forgotten political, social and economic situations that shaped the landscape of Judaism today.
  • And more…

Class schedule:

Class 1: The Jews of Europe- In this introductory class, explore the emancipation of the Jews in the 18th history and how this set the stage for what was to come thereafter.

Class 2: Where and Why: the Reform Movement- Discover the origins and doctrine of the reform movement dating back to the 17th century. Follow the movements’ spread to America and how it impacts today’s Jewish identity.

Class 3: The Orthodox Response-  Examine the controversy and ideological schism that propelled leaders such as Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, to create Orthodoxy as a separate faction.

Class 4: The Great American Jewish Migration- Uncover what made the 19th century a turning point and how many of our outlooks and experiences are a direct result of the shifting winds of this time.

Class 5: The 20th Century- Explore the Jewish landscape of the 20th century that set the stage for a splintering off of the many sects that make up the the mosaic of today’s Jewish world.

Class 6: Who are We Today?- Appreciate the complexities of today’s Jew by understanding our origin story. Begin to imagine what lies ahead for our children and grandchildren as our journey continues…

By Joining Now, You Will Get:

  • Access to 6 Weeks of classes via streaming or download
  • Easy online access to class recordings in your own personal membership area
  • Bonus 1: Direct Email Access

About Rabbi Aubrey Hersh

Rabbi Aubrey Hersh was born and raised in London. He went on to study at Yeshiva in Gateshead and then Jerusalem for 8 years.

Rabbi Hersh’s 25-year pursuit of History, Philosophy and Halacha have led him to become the premier Orthodox Jewish Historian in Europe, an international lecturer and highly sought-after speaker.

Since 2003 he has specialized in Holocaust education, working closely with the Imperial War Museum and Yad Vashem, as well as Historian, Sir Martin Gilbert and the international Holocaust researcher Father Patrick Desbois.

He was the editor of the international 60 Days-for-60 Years series on the Holocaust (2006) and Israel (2008), which were the largest single edition Jewish books to be published, and for which he authored numerous essays.

He is the podcaster of the popular: History for the Curious and has run over 350 heritage tours to Europe in the last 20 years – most recently with Jewish Workshops to Prague & Italy.

He has been interviewed on national radio and also ran a weekly live show for Jewish Radio, which had 10,000 listeners. He was asked to appear on UK National TV for BBC’s The Big Questions and is currently writing a book tying trends in History into modern-day life. Speaking English, French, Hebrew & Yiddish – which have helped him research, travel and interview all over the Jewish world – he is presently Senior Lecturer at the JLE in London.