Through the close study of Shir HaShirim, you can better understand your relationship with Hashem and the everlasting love and confidence He has in His people.
By investing in yourself right now, you will discover how to:
- Feel less alone or uncertain as you discover the depths of Hashem’s love for you
- Cleanse yourself from past misdeeds and become more deeply attuned to your true essence
- Enhance your relationship to Hashem by understanding it through the lens of Shir Hashirim
- Stop questioning yourself and your abilities by discovering how valuable you are in the eyes of Hashem
This series includes tools, real-life examples, homework a guided imagery and class notes in order to help you achieve your goals.
Session 1: You Are Beautiful
Learn how to perceive your misdeeds and gain the ability to cleanse ourselves from them.
Session 2: Becoming Hashem’s Child
Explore the importance of feeling like a beloved child of Hashem, and how through your senses you can experience that love.
Session 3: Rose Gloves
Discover the path to receive blessing, and how all of your longing comes from the deeper sense of longing that your soul has for G-d.
Session 4: The One Giant
Explore the special merit you have from being descendants of Avraham Avinu, the “One Giant.” Learn how to relate to other Jews who seem distant from Hashem.
Session 5: His Eyes Are Like a Dove
Delve into the special direct relationship you have with Hashem, the deeper meaning of your personal challenges and the importance of using these for your unique avodas Hashem in the world.
Session 6: One Dove
Learn that no matter what, you are the one dove for Hashem. The dove has one mate that it is faithful to. So too, Hashem is faithful to you and you will never exchange Him no
matter how difficult and painful the gallus is.
Session 7: His Desire Is for Me
Discover the deep and unceasing relationship the Jewish people have with Hashem. Through the words of Shir HaShirim, learn to remain steadfast with Hashem even while the other nations are trying to lure you away. Hashem is waiting for you, no matter how far you stray.
Session 8: Many Waters
Journey through the end of Shir Hashirim with the powerful message of the unending love between the Jewish Nation and Hashem. Explore the inestimable value of your words of Torah and prayer and the yearning for Hashem to bring the Geula!
About Chaya Hinda Allen: Chaya Hinda Allen gives life-changing workshops to thousands of women around the world. The program she’s developed is much more than a class, it is a step by step guide for how to change and improve your life from the inside out, on an emotional level. Her methods help women gain the practical tools which guide them in a personalized way through a step by step process to bring: more happiness, inner peace, better relationships, success, and closeness with Hashem into their lives.
“You have such an ability to make things manageable and you are very engaging.
Your passion for what you do shines so brightly and all in all, you care so much and are with us in our struggles. That’s besides having a common sense down to earth perspective, which brings the ‘airy fairy’ concepts down to the nuts and bolts of living the best life we can.
And you do all this with a strength that embraces all the frailty of being human, of being imperfect, vulnerable, at times and recognizing the confusion in our lives.
You bring Hashem into my life, and awareness of the most vital concepts: Our Father in Heaven is always watching over us, His people, and He only wants good for us.”
“No words can adequately express this but I must try: Thank you again & again for the impactful, transformative role you have played in my life, teaching me how to live emunah & bitochon emotionally, instead of just intellectually.” -Karen, Manchester, England
“I have enjoyed the classes immensely. More than anything I feel like you are raising an awareness to an existence of a Being that is so loving, safe and constant. These days I find myself worrying less about the future because I know (feel and understand) that Hashem isn’t leaving me ever. He will be with me then, so there is no reason to worry. The guided imagery’s are filled with short powerful messages, combined with your calm, loving voice and sweet relaxing music. I am so lucky to have been led to this course.” -Tehilla, Jerusalem, Israel
“I am reflecting back, and have no words to express my deepest appreciation for guiding me to actually LIVE life! When I first joined, my life was a great big mess, and I felt stuck in the rut, with no means to overcome life’s challenges. Now my outlook has changed, and that is what made the difference! For me, the most rewarding comment was from a friend who has also joined your program who called me for some positive thinking advice! I feel I am coming full circle! Thank you, Chaya Hinda.” -Fran, Dallas, TX