Aging with Purpose


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In this 6-part series:

  • Transition into this stage of life with grace and fortitude and discover new channels for joy, fulfillment and greater self-actualization
  • Gain the knowledge and preparation to skillfully navigate the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of this stage in your life
  • Avoid curveballs by arming yourself with emotional preparedness for enhancing your relationship with your spouse during this different stage of your marriage
  • Build respectful and supportive adult relationships with your children, opening up new avenues of connection to your children and grandchildren
  • Celebrate this period of your life as a time to discover new purpose as you begin to leave behind your business and parenting roles
  • Discover how to thrive and excel by exploring the full possibilities that are newly open to you at this point of your life

Class schedule:

Class 1: Finding Purpose Through Physical and Emotional Shifts
Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz

Class 2: Weathering Marriage Transitions in the Golden Years
Ilana and Jamie Cowland

Class 3: Intimacy During Menopause and Beyond (for couples)
RebbetzinDevora Boroosan

Class 4: Alone But Not Lonely: Finding the Joy Within
Dr. Miriam Adahan

Class 5: Parenting Adult Kids and Grandkids
Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Class 6:Strengthening Spirituality in the Later Years
Rabbi Akiva Tatz

By Joining Now, You Will Get:

  • Access to 6 Weeks of classes via streaming or download
  • Easy online access to class recordings in your own personal membership area

About The Experts:

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz
A former nonprofit management professional and now freelance writer and political advocate, who serves as the Rebbetzin of Agudas Achim of Lawrence. Faigie Horowitz has cofounded a shelter for homeless girls, a synagogue on Long Island, and mostly recently JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom, a community for mid-lifers.

Ilana Cowland
Ilana Cowland, originally from London, England, received a BA in Jewish Studies from the University of London, as well as a diploma in counselling. An international speaker, Ilana is currently educational director of jewel and Head of the women’s department at Aish Jerusalem.

Jamie Cowland
Rabbi Jamie Cowland has spent the last 16 years running destination trips for Jewish students and lecturing. Jamie spent the first 13 years of his career as a Rabbi with Aish UK and Aish Jerusalem as well as working as a consultant and guest speaker for many other organizations. He is also the co-founder Justifi.

Dr. Miriam Adahan
Dr. Miriam Adahan’s groundbreaking approach to human emotions has revolutionized the way that the Jewish world approaches psychology. With over 50 years of experience in counseling, lecturing, 15 books published in numerous languages, and training counselors, Dr. Adahan’s vast experience cannot be duplicated.

Rebbetzin Devorah Boroosan
Devora Boroosan is an educator with over three decades of experience in teaching, counseling, and community leadership. She is a certified relationship coach and serves as the rebbetzin of Congregation Netzach Yisrael. As a prison clergywoman she provides support and encouragement to female inmates. Devora has taught hundreds of brides and married women alike. Devora gives marriage and intimacy classes for peri- and post- menopausal women and for women who struggle with intimacy after trauma.

Sara Chana Radcliffe, M.Ed.,C.Psych
Sarah Chana Radcliffe is a psychologist, author and lecturer, who has helped parents, couples and individuals for over 40 years. Sarah Chana is a well sought after lecturer on stress management, relationships, anger management and emotional well-being. She is the author of Raise your Kids without Raising your Voice, The Fear Fix, Make Yourself at Home and 5 other books on family life and emotional well-being.

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz
Rabbi Akiva Tatz is a South African born physician, author and lecturer. He studied medicine in Johannesburg with elective work at Washington University in St Louis and graduated with distinction in surgery. He spent a number of years concurrently practicing medicine and engaging in Talmudic study in Israel. He has written a number of books on the subjects of Jewish philosophy and Jewish medical ethics.. He currently teaches at the Jewish Learning Exchange in London and internationally, and delivers a weekly Webinar on Jewish Thought and Practice, hosted by Jewish Workshops.


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“I think it’s a good time of year to express my gratitude to Jewish Workshops for making available such amazing shiurim and for giving the opportunity to access and develop a kesher with these renowned and distinguished teachers!”

“Jewish Workshops is definitely a tremendous asset and your team players help so many! Wow! You all bless the nations in many ways, great and small! Keep up the fine work!”

“Jewish Workshops is the most incredible gift to humanity, and its spreading of Torah and impact on Jewish lives and their growth are unparalleled and undefinable!! You have transformed my personal life on all fronts- spiritual, intellectual, and physical.”

“I loved the broad spectrum of speeches and how each one was uniquely inspiring and impactful.”

“It was powerful and so insightful! Also, just having contact with such gedolim… Wow! ”

“Thank you so much for doing this and at a price point everyone can afford.”

“The programs are remarkable and an anchor in my life.”

See all Jewish Workshops on emotional well being