This series on Positive Thinking is an antidote for those that fall prey to despair, doubting that some aspect of their marriages will ever improve. This series includes tools, charts, guided meditations and homework for immediate application into your life.
In this 4-part series for married women, you will:
~Stop feeling disconnected from your spouse by taking a look into his world and reconnecting through your new perspective
~Discover a new appreciation for your spouse and put an end to doubt that created a wedge in your relationship
~Bring more joy into your marriage by gaining a new level of acceptance for your husband
Class 1: Explore the power of positive words and thoughts. Learn how to identify “limiting thoughts” and how to stop them.
Class 2: Discover two different types of “Positive Thinking”, how to draw down blessings, how not to clog that channel with limiting beliefs, and how not to crack that channel.
Bonus Class: Examine 12 painful situations in Queen Esther’s life and how each could have led her to negative mind states such as bitterness, despair, conceit, etc. Gain a deeper understanding of Esther, who is a powerful example of how we, too, can respond to painful situations with positive thinking.
Class 3: Learn about one more vital ingredient in getting what we want and explore am even deeper level.
Class 4: Discover two types of Positive Thinking and hear real-life examples of how women turned negative thoughts into positive thinking.
About Sara Yoheved Rigler: Sara Yoheved Rigler is a popular international lecturer, author and marriage mentor. She has given lectures and workshops in Israel, England, Switzerland, South Africa, Mexico, Chile, Canada, and over thirty American cities. Through her highly-acclaimed marriage workshop, Sara Yoheved has helped over 2,000 women around the world improve their marriages and has transformed the lives of many of them.
“Sharing the challenges that fellow Kesher Wives face is an inspiration which strengthens our resolve. A truly an amazing family of women who are transforming their world with patience and enduring determination. If only this was information was taught me as a child, how different our lives would have been. The world is in desperate need of Torah teaching and those eternal principals that will transform us to our true selves.”
“Thank you so much for the insights, instructions, thoughts to ponder and strategies to make our home lives rich, warm and loving.“
“I owe you a lot, you have changed my marriage and my life.”
“In many ways I feel like I’m starting from scratch. It’s AMAZING.— my marriage is just calmer. no more drama. no withholdings.”
“Last week’s message gave me the key to unlock and release the painful memories and hurt in my heart. Your words opened the door and enabled me to forgive my husband and become free. I can finally say that after 44 years of marriage that I have peace in my heart towards him.“