Empower Yourself with Emunah


You will get immediate 24/6 online access to listen to and download each session, giving you everything you need to implement these powerful tools into your life quickly and easily.


By investing in yourself right now, you will discover how to:

-Find your source of strength, purpose and meaning in life, and leave your feelings of hopelessness and despair in the past.
-Stop worrying about the things you can’t control, in order to regain your faith and develop your spiritual sensitivity.
-Gain the skills to transform your mindset so that you spend your days feeling exhilarated and empowered rather than depleted and overwhelmed.
-Reinforce your Emunah, and empower yourself to transform your personal challenges into positive opportunities.
-Overcome your worries and fears and develop a solid sense of security by opening your mind to belief, hope and healing.

Session 1: Our Choice: Our Thoughts

Our Thoughts Make the Difference: We will learn that there are many negative ways of thinking that can prevent us from receiving the good intended for us.

Session 2: Free Gifts

Delve into a deeper understanding that what we have isn’t the result of our good deeds or the result of our bad deeds. Hashem guides us through our life situations and provides our needs unconditionally.

Session 3: What a Difference a Word Makes

Explore the depth and power we have in our words and how we use them.

Session 4: What Is Faith

Understand the concept of Faith and how it manifests in our hearts and lives.

Session 5: Faith in Others

Discover the power that our belief in those around us holds, and how it affects our relationships.

Session 6: Faith in Ourselves

Learn how we are supposed to believe in ourselves, how to create deeper belief, and the results we can manifest with such belief…

Session 7: Happiness as a Fence for Faith

Understand the role of happiness in the inner life of a believing Jew.

Session 8: Tranquility as the Outcome of Living with Faith

Discover how to create inner peace of mind, and how to live with equanimity despite the ubiquitous ups and downs of life.

About Chaya Hinda Allen: Chaya Hinda Allen gives life-changing workshops to thousands of women around the world. The program she’s developed is much more than a class, it is a step-by-step guide for how to change and improve your life from the inside out, on an emotional level. Her methods help women gain the practical tools which guide them in a personalized way through a step-by-step process to bring: more happiness, inner peace, better relationships, success, and closeness with Hashem into their lives.

“I am a completely different person than I was before I started your classes. I am a different mother and wife, and my home is a different home… a HAPPY home. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance.” -Jamie, St. Louis, MO

“No words can adequately express this but I must try: Thank you again & again for the impactful, transformative role you have played in my life, teaching me how to live emunah & bitochon emotionally, instead of just intellectually.” -Karen, Manchester, England

“Right before the procedure, after my brother and the doctor finished discussing all the possible options that would be possible after they find the blockage, I told the surgeon that I was sure that he won’t find any blockage at all. My brother smiled and said, “that’s my sister…the spiritual one.” The surgeon smiled and said, “That’s good. I pray before every one of my surgeries.” I smiled at him and said, ‘Then we’re good. It’s going to be good!” Boruch Hashem as soon as it was over, so quickly actually that I wasn’t in the room, the surgeon said to my brother….”Can you ask your sister to pray for me too?” Chaya Hinda, this is a different me than I ever was before. My brother doesn’t even recognize me. He wants to know what happy ‘drug’ I’m taking :-). Thank you so much!” -Deborah, Long Island, NY

“I have enjoyed the classes immensely. More than anything I feel like you are raising an awareness to an existence of a Being that is so loving, safe and constant. These days I find myself worrying less about the future because I know (feel and understand) that Hashem isn’t leaving me ever. He will be with me then, so there is no reason to worry. The guided imagery’s are filled with short powerful messages, combined with your calm, loving voice and sweet relaxing music. I am so lucky to have been led to this course.” -Tehilla, Jerusalem, Israel

“I am reflecting back, and have no words to express my deepest appreciation for guiding me to actually LIVE life! When I first joined, my life was a great big mess, and I felt stuck in the rut, with no means to overcome life’s challenges. Now my outlook has changed, and that is what made the difference! For me, the most rewarding comment was from a friend who has also joined your program who called me for some positive thinking advice! I feel I am coming full circle! Thank you, Chaya Hinda.” -Fran, Dallas, TX

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