Derech Hashem: Why Things Happen in the World


You will get immediate 24/6 online access to listen to and download Why Things Happen in the World with Rabbi Akiva Tatz, giving you everything you need to implement these powerful tools into your life quickly and easily.


Through Part 8 of Jewish Workshop’s Derech Hashem series on Why Things Happen in the World, Rabbi Tatz explores:

  • Why are people challenged with difficult ordeals (nisayon)?
  • How do the events in our life lead us to perfection?
  • What is the influence of a tzadik over his entire generation?
  • What effect do our relationships have on our life?
  • What is a gilgul (reincarnation) and how does this affect what happens to us?
  • What can we – and can’t we – know about the things that happen in our lives?
  • And more…

Class schedule:

Class 1: Discover why things happen in the world, the correlation between a person’s circumstances and his needs to overcome ordeals. Examine wealth and poverty as an example of how one can use his situation to perfect his character.

Class 2: Explore the unique choice each soul makes before entering the world regarding his unique personality and life circumstances, the ultimate goal of the world’s perfection and the role of each individual.

Class 3: Consider the reasons Hashem sends us assistance or obstructions, when one can interpret “signs” from Hashem and how to relate to this idea. Gain a deeper understanding into why people need to suffer pain and how we are meant to react in difficult circumstances.

Class 4: Explore additional reasons things happen in the world, why destruction may come upon a very evil person, the extent of influence of one’s ancestors, future descendants, and current social spheres on one’s current circumstances.

Class 5: Discover the interconnectedness between the individual and the community, how an individual can be affected due to the group he is a part of and the meaning of the collective Jewish nation.

Class 6: Examine how the suffering of a righteous individual can save his generation, the minimal suffering that is necessary within the Creation, how suffering is a key to undoing spiritual contamination and brings the world to its perfection.

Class 7: Gain a fascinating introduction into gilgulim (reincarnation), how a previous gilgul can affect our current life circumstances, and when gilgulim may be necessary and to whom.

Class 8: Discover the common interplay between all of the reasons things happen in the world and what we can and cannot know about our individual circumstances.

By Joining Now, You Will Get:

  • Access to 8 Weeks of classes via streaming or download
  • Easy online access to class recordings in your own personal membership area
  • Bonus 1: Direct Email Access
  • Bonus 2: Foreknowledge and Free Will (4-Part Series)

About Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz is a South African born physician, author and lecturer. He studied medicine in Johannesburg with elective work at Washington University in St Louis and graduated with distinction in surgery. He spent a number of years concurrently practicing medicine and engaging in Talmudic study in Israel. His Jerusalem Medical Ethics Forum teaches and promotes knowledge of Jewish medical ethics internationally. He has written a number of books on the subjects of Jewish philosophy and Jewish Medical Ethics: Anatomy of a Search, Living Inspired, Worldmask, The Thinking Jewish Teenager’s Guide to Life, Letters to a Buddhist Jew, Dangerous Disease & Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics, Will, Freedom & Destiny, and As Dawn Ends the Night. These are also available in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian and Portuguese translations. He currently teaches at the Jewish Learning Exchange in London and internationally and delivers a weekly Webinar on Jewish Thought and Practice, hosted by Jewish Workshops.


Rabbi Tatz has so much insight and is a lite for us in this dark world.   I can’t tell you in words how much the videos and teachings from Rabbi Tatz has meant to us. Truly a life changing adventure for us.  I am not very good with words, but want you all to know you are doing a very special work, that is greatly needed in this dark time of the world. Truly you all are an inspiration.  We have started learning Hebrew so we can hopefully understand the Torah and teachings in their true meaning.”

“I just want to let you know that I absolutely love both classes Rabbi Dr Tatz teaches, especially the essence of spirituality he gives me, and the best education I have really had in all my years studying and learning!  He is truly an inspiration to me and credibly brilliant and extremely dedicated to learning and teaching.

I am having the most wonderful time learning; my neshama feels nourished – thank you for teaching us.

“We want to thank you for making us love Torah and reaching depth in character development and Torah learning. We are the privileged.

I want to spend all my days listening to your teachings. for just this little part i have been listening to I feel like my mind is being cleared, and being cleansed of all the dirt which is been set in there. You are providing me with a clean and health mind. Thank you, thank you.”

Every word from Rabbi T is a pearl. It is completely humbling to be able to take a shiur like that once a week–how wonderful that your team has made it possible.

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