How to Understand Your Unique Mind


You will get immediate 24/6 online access to listen to and download each session, giving you everything you need to implement these powerful tools into your life quickly and easily.


You will gain:

  • 9 classes exploring your own labels such as ADHD, Bi-Polar, Borderline, etc. and the emotional implications of living with those with emotional challenges
  • Unique guidance through meditations, guided imagery, EFT and more
  • A supportive community where you share each other’s victories and successes
  • One-on-One support from Miriam via email and through a phone consultation
  • An additional troubleshooting session in order to gain insights from the questions of fellow members

You are more than a diagnosis
Whether it’s ADD, OCD, Bi-Polar, etc., Dr. Miriam Adahan is going to take you beyond the diagnosis and explore the emotional implications. She’s going to lead you on a journey to embrace who you are with love and kindness. Throughout this journey you will discover the ability to use your unique abilities to break through barriers and soar to the highest reaches of strength and joy.

You are worthy and do not need to be stifled
Our emotional challenges can make us feel disconnected or apart from those around us, they can make us feel like we have to erect a wall in order to be accepted by others. In this 8-part series you can finally feel safe to lower your guard and be your most authentic self. In the Miriam Adahan community you will be accepted and even applauded for the light you bring to this world.

Your pain is real
Living with someone who has a personality disorder or is part of the dark triad can be extremely isolating. People around you will often make you feel like there is something wrong with you for your perception of this individual. By joining Miriam, you will finally have a place where you are understood and supported for the challenges that you withstand daily.

Class 1: Discover how our inner child responds to our own self-complaints about others’ behavior, what the tikkun is for many different complaints, and how we can better process these complaints in our minds. Experience an EFT to help achieve calmness.

Class 2: Explore the concept of an “inner soother”, how this is connected to growing up with trauma in the home and how to activate our inner child to help us heal these deep-seated traumas.

Class 3: Delve deep into childhood psyche to reveal uncovered emotional wounds, our true feelings and emotions that we have carried with us for years on love, acceptance, and more.

Class 4: Examine trauma from a more informed view and how it allows us to become stronger in areas that we are weak. Explore the different personality disorders and how we can protect ourselves from them.

Class 5: Explore the dual nature of our brains and how it functions in this way. Revisit personality disorders in this new context of the bilingual brain. Experience a calming EFT session.

Class 6: Consider who defines our reality. Is it our fleeting thoughts, or Hashem’s Will? Explore the 10 commandments and how Hashem’s Will can help our own reality.

Class 7: Uncover powerful lessons on how trauma can affect our brain and how it can specifically translate in to ADHD. Examine 9 major executive functions of the brain, what happens when we don’t achieve these major functions, what we can do to help ourselves achieve them and how to break free from stereotyping ourselves and putting ourselves in to a category.

Class 8: Delve into ADHD, physical habits that we can make changes in our lives with, as well as mental habits and spiritual habits. Discover how to to forgive ourselves for not being perfect and to appreciate the great qualities that we do have.

Class 9: Explore additional physical habits that we can make changes in our lives with, as well as mental habits and spiritual habits. Relax with an EFT session.

Class 10: Gain insight from answers on how to make a change in our lives. Begin an exploration into Pesach to keep in your back pocket the next time this holiday is upon us.

About Dr. Miriam Adahan: Dr. Miriam Adahan’s groundbreaking approach to human emotions has revolutionized the way that the Jewish world approaches psychology. With over 15 books published in numerous languages all over the world, there is barely a home that hasn’t been touched by Dr. Adahan’s methodology. With over 40 years experience in counseling, lecturing, writing and training counselors, Dr. Adahan’s well-spring of knowledge and vast experience of the human condition cannot be duplicated. Thousands all over the world have Dr. Adahan to thank for the success of their relationships and the emotional well-being of their families. Quietly residing in the outskirts of Jerusalem, Dr. Adahan truly is the reigning expert when it comes to modern Jewish psychology.

I’m becoming aware, through the course of this webinar, of the many layers of wrong beliefs that are dormant in the subconscious part of my brain. It’s a beautiful journey of unmasking and revealing the true me.

This webinar is moving me from being (feeling like) an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

I’d like to tell you how much I enjoy Miriam Adahan’s Workshops. I have read many book on psychology but non of them touched my heart. I feel her lectures help me a lot.

I bought myself the best Chanuka gift ever when I subscribed to your package of workshops! I know it was just for by benefit that they were on sale.

“THANK YOU for such a warm and insightful webinar session!!!!! You bring so much conscious understanding to my inner child/personal needs. It is AMAZING!!!!!!!